No Laughing Matter

Our Intellectuals, Wow!

Our Intellectuals, Wow!

July 2024   
. . . Read more »

Tricks of the New Tricksters

Tricks of the New Tricksters

June 2024   
. . . Read more »

To Wish or Not to Wish

To Wish or Not to Wish

May 2024   
. . . Read more »

Down With Money, I Say!

Down With Money, I Say!

April 2024   
. . . Read more »

Sky High Morale!

Sky High Morale!

March 2024   
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What is the Country’s Problem?

What is the Country’s Problem?

. . . Read more »

Commissioned Commissions

Commissioned Commissions

. . . Read more »

Nepal Is Indeed An Agricultural Country!

Nepal Is Indeed An Agricultural Country!

. . . Read more »

The Phenomenon of Chief Guests

The Phenomenon of Chief Guests

. . . Read more »

73 Years of Nepali Democracy

73 Years of Nepali Democracy

. . . Read more »

The Sweet Rewards of Power

The Sweet Rewards of Power

. . . Read more »

The Great Risk of Dying of Laughter

The Great Risk of Dying of Laughter

. . . Read more »

The Great Buffalomania

The Great Buffalomania

July 2023   
. . . Read more »

This is How It Is

This is How It Is

June 2023   
The provided passage describes the state of governance and various societal challenges in an unnamed country, highlighting issues such as corruption, bureaucratic inefficiency, infrastructure . . . Read more »

Nepal Government’s ‘Death Diplomacy’ : Madan Lamsal

Nepal Government’s ‘Death Diplomacy’ : Madan Lamsal

MAY 2023   
This satirical piece criticizes the Nepali government's policies and actions by sarcastically highlighting their supposed focus on taxation, price increases, population control, and lack of . . . Read more »

The Mystery of the Missing Money

The Mystery of the Missing Money

APRIL 2023   
Looks like the mystery of the missing money has got our former finance ministers in a . . . Read more »

Get on the Development Bus

Get on the Development Bus

MARCH 2023   
Well, well, it looks like democracy took a dive in our country, and guess who's making big bucks out of it? You guessed right, the . . . Read more »

Master Thieves of Modern Age

Master Thieves of Modern Age

Looks like the keys to the government are like a hot potato; they just keep falling into the hands of thieves. In the old days, they used to say “A clever thief is the first to cry ‘stop . . . Read more »

New Resolutions for Another New Year

New Resolutions for Another New Year

A brand New Year is approaching and, like every year, I feel a great urge to make new resolutions. But the situation is such that the moment I think about making a new resolution, one of the dogs in . . . Read more »

The Endless Merry-go-round of Lies

The Endless Merry-go-round of Lies

After political forums turned into money pits, parrots suddenly became skillful orators, villains heroes and parliamentarians started calling themselves development activists instead of . . . Read more »

Clobbering Time is a National Agenda

Clobbering Time is a National Agenda

The UK is leaving everyone behind in terms of development. The US is hoisting its flag everywhere in space. Japan is surprising everyone in the field of electronics and Germany is doing wonders in . . . Read more »

Welcome to the World Market!

Welcome to the World Market!

It’s looking quite strange. It doesn’t seem to be running as per the laws of economics. Nor does it seem to be following the principle of demand and supply. . . . Read more »

Shall We Give Them A Clap or A Slap?

Shall We Give Them A Clap or A Slap?

In this age, it is quite difficult to judge a person by his appearance. Moreover, it’s quite tricky to tell who is a thief, who is a pickpocket, who is a robber and who is a politician! In . . . Read more »

Beer, Beer Cheers!

Beer, Beer Cheers!

How many times should we rack our brains thinking about the mess in Sri Lanka, the dirty politics in Pakistan, and our own politics and economy, which, sadly though, are on the same path as that of . . . Read more »

Who Can I Praise With a Song?

Who Can I Praise With a Song?

Today I feel like singing songs of praise, a number of them. As you can see, the country is witnessing, one after another, things you perhaps could have never even imagined. . . . Read more »

More Holidays, More Development

More Holidays, More Development

JUNE 2022   
There are more holidays you have now to spend in your own holy or unholy ways. The streets are stinking with the uncollected garbage littered everywhere but this is for your own good as it reminds . . . Read more »

Lies, Damn Lies and Government Statistics

Lies, Damn Lies and Government Statistics

MAY 2022   
It is said that there was once a famous statistician in India. When he was asked to analyse something, he would ask in return, “Kaisa analysis chahiye, ruling wala ki opposition wala (what kind of . . . Read more »



APRIL 2022   
The buffalo and the government have much more in common. A buffalo’s skin is black, while the government’s deeds are . . . Read more »



MARCH 2022   
There has been a lot of noise over cryptocurrency in Nepal and in foreign countries these days. Nobody has seen what cryptocurrency looks like. But it is working . . . Read more »

The How to Get Rich Quick Formula

The How to Get Rich Quick Formula

Today, everyone wants to become rich overnight. Those in the know are already making hay while the sun shines. They are building their dream mansions, albeit on rivers and riverbanks. But the dumb . . . Read more »

Now A Driverless Government

Now A Driverless Government

It’s been like rubbing salt into a wound. Our cities and villages have already been reeling under the Covid-19 pandemic and now they are faced with another wave of economic recession and a . . . Read more »

Let’s Think Differently

Let’s Think Differently

The price of petroleum products has been rising constantly. It turned out that it rose 19 times in the last year itself. It seems the really successful politicians are the ones who can keep the . . . Read more »

Foreign Hands at Home

Foreign Hands at Home

No sooner had the US announced USD 500 million in grants to Nepal under the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) agreement, than the Nepalis divided into two sides and started hissing and growling . . . Read more »

Dreams are Free

Dreams are Free

All of you must have heard about the American Dream. Since the American people dared to dream this dream more than a century ago, a lot has been said and done about it. Different people have defined . . . Read more »

Is this a joke or what!?

Is this a joke or what!?

No sooner had the Deuba-led government appointed a businessman to the post of Minister of State than the sharp arrows of satire started striking the government from all . . . Read more »

Baluwatar's Circus Show

Baluwatar's Circus Show

In the past, to rise to power, you would need courtiers who could swing the sword to kill for you. Today, you need hired crowds who have tongues sharper than swords with the skill to shout slogans in . . . Read more »

What Lies at the Crux of the Chure dispute?

What Lies at the Crux of the Chure dispute?

July 2021   
Those in opposition say that the government will eventually flatten the entire Chure range in the name of exporting stones and pebbles. That the Tarai, the southern plains in the country, will expand . . . Read more »

Congratulations! Many Congratulations!!

Congratulations! Many Congratulations!!

June 2021   
Many are saying the government is only talking the talk and not walking the walk. But that is not true. A new government was formed only very recently. To lead a new government, you need a fresh pair . . . Read more »

We, the Happy Nepalis!

We, the Happy Nepalis!

May 2021   
Recently, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network published the ‘World Happiness Report 2021’. In the report, the UN body proclaimed Nepal as the happiest country in the whole of South . . . Read more »

Government for the Poor

Government for the Poor

April 2021   
This week, too, was chock-full of meetings - intraparty meetings, interparty meetings, all-party meetings, presidential meetings, prime ministerial meetings, opposition meetings etc. If you think all . . . Read more »

Land of Opportunities

Land of Opportunities

March 2021   
Nepal is a land chock-full of opportunities. All those in the know say so. As there are many opportunities, however, there is great confusion as to realising which of these opportunities will help . . . Read more »

The Fun in Being Foolish

The Fun in Being Foolish

If there is anything more blissful in the world than being a fool then it has to be acting like a fool. Whether you believe it or not, there is nothing as satisfying as being foolish and looking . . . Read more »

Let’s all dig a ditch together!

Let’s all dig a ditch together!

Everyone says Nepal is a country of agriculture. But how can we really say this, given the sorry state of agriculture and the even sorrier plight of farmers in the country? If we say it’s a country . . . Read more »

The Fun in Being Foolish

The Fun in Being Foolish

If there is anything more blissful in the world than being a fool then it has to be acting like a fool. Whether you believe it or not, there is nothing as satisfying as being foolish and looking . . . Read more »

Hurray to Federalism!

Hurray to Federalism!

People still ask time and again: Why did we go for federalism? To honour the identity of different communities? To ensure representation of all? For all-round development? What is the achievement of . . . Read more »

Loot it! Grab it! Take it all!!

Loot it! Grab it! Take it all!!

Nowadays, the razzmatazz of the markets has changed. In the past, shops and stores would have sign boards bearing discount offers. Under the pretext of offering discounts, shops would clear the . . . Read more »

The Country’s Development Continues

The Country’s Development Continues

Roads have been dug up and left abandoned. In places, it is difficult to tell if the electricity poles and pylons are standing straight or have fallen down. Perhaps in order to scare off thieves in . . . Read more »

Why End Corruption?

Why End Corruption?

Nobody admits to it. Everybody protests when others do it. But there’s hardly anybody who doesn’t do it. What is it? The answer is – corruption! If it is something that everybody does, why go . . . Read more »

Locusts, Locusts

Locusts, Locusts

July 2020   
Where are the experts who had declared that locusts won’t enter Nepal? But again, you can’t really blame them for this. They thought the insects won’t enter Nepal after ‘tails’ came up when . . . Read more »

A Budget Analysis

A Budget Analysis

June 2020   
The government recently introduced the budget for fiscal year 2020/21. Some economists have praised it beyond measure. Others have not. Now who is to . . . Read more »

Don’t Doubt Yourself

Don’t Doubt Yourself

May 2020   
Born in a small corner of giant China, Corona the Great who launched attacks on more than 200 countries more than three months ago with the aim of ruling the whole world entered Nepal only a while . . . Read more »

It’s War. Let’s Win

It’s War. Let’s Win

April 2020   
Who is the most powerful - China, America, Russia or Europe? That question is now outdated. Right now, it is the Coronavirus, the Novel one, that is the most powerful in the world. More powerful than . . . Read more »



March 2020   
I had gone to Nepal’s only international airport to find out its preparations for Visit Nepal 2020 when I ran into some Chinese tourists. I had read in the news that Xi Jinping has prevented his . . . Read more »

Nijgadh's Alternatives

Nijgadh's Alternatives

When I say ‘Nijgadh's alternatives’ please understand what I actually mean by this- not the place but an alternative to the proposed Nijgadh International Airport . . . Read more »

Hail Us the Idiots!

Hail Us the Idiots!

Nepal was a country of agriculture. Because it was dominated by occupations based on agriculture. But that is passé. Nowadays, many have started calling it a country of tourism, or even a country . . . Read more »



The big political parties of Nepal are currently engaged in a serious debate on how to take the country forward on the path of prosperity. The Nepali Congress is busy preparing for the great battle . . . Read more »

‘Give Us a Train, Mr President’

‘Give Us a Train, Mr President’

This time Tihar followed Dashain in no time. In years gone by it would come at least two weeks later. Almost the day after Dashain, colourful flowers blossomed on the roads of . . . Read more »

Why Pay Tax?

Why Pay Tax?

It’s astonishing that everywhere you go you only find people criticising the government. Why are the Nepali people so much against the government and why do they only try to find reasons to rap it? . . . Read more »

Call for Tenders to Run the Country

Call for Tenders to Run the Country

. . . Read more »

‘Loot Nepal’: The TV Series

‘Loot Nepal’: The TV Series

There are a lot of complaints making the rounds that, apart from one or two, all the reality TV shows currently being aired in Nepal are not good enough or up to the mark. So, what I’ve been . . . Read more »

Mother, I’m Hungry!

Mother, I’m Hungry!

July 2019   
We are not entitled to that. To get that, you should have been born from another womb. But you were born from my unfortunate womb! That means, we are going to die just like that in this life, . . . Read more »

A Rich Discussion on the Poor

A Rich Discussion on the Poor

June 2019   
Some people have gobbled up government land in Baluwatar. Others have taken over the capital’s Khulla Manch and Tundikhel. For some time now, the Nepali media has kept itself busy with such petty . . . Read more »

Visit Nepal Year 2020

Visit Nepal Year 2020

May 2019   
They’re saying Nepal will bring in two million foreign tourists in 2020. To be exact, the government has declared 2020 as ‘Visit Nepal Year (VNY)’. It has also appointed a coordinator for the . . . Read more »

NPC’s Wish List

NPC’s Wish List

April 2019   
Of so many commissions in Nepal, NPC stands out the most and so gets wide publicity. For decades, this commission has been formulating plans for the country’s development. It is no secret how much . . . Read more »

Investment Summit in A Risky Economy

Investment Summit in A Risky Economy

March 2019   
The government is once again going to organise a gathering of investors soon in March-April. Many commitments for investment will be made there. MoUs will be signed for sure. Then what? . . . Read more »

A Once-upon A Time Prime Minister

A Once-upon A Time Prime Minister

Once upon a time, there was a Prime Minister of a country. He wanted to see, while he was still alive, what Heaven looked like. So, one day he went there and knocked on the door to Heaven. After . . . Read more »

Whom to Entrust the Nation?

Whom to Entrust the Nation?

Though the prime minister and his ministers have been trying so hard, nothing is moving ahead towards prosperity. Why so? Did the Nepali voters do something wrong by entrusting the nation to . . . Read more »

It's Not Fair

It's Not Fair

The mayor of Biratnagar Metropolis literally crawled for three and a half hours to reach a Chhath Puja spot three kilometres away. The mayor saap went on all fours not only to show his passion for . . . Read more »

The Country Has Everything!

The Country Has Everything!

Do you think only murder, violence, smuggling, black marketeering, impunity, chaos and confusion, unemployment and lying happens in the country? Then you are wrong. There are also governments working . . . Read more »

The 'India pothole' and Nepal

The 'India pothole' and Nepal

The photo of a pothole on a Lalitpur road that looked like the map of India went viral on social media a few weeks back. Then someone added to that photo something resembling the map of Sri Lanka . . . Read more »

Now, The Think Tanks’ Turn

Now, The Think Tanks’ Turn

The ‘Nepal-India Think Tank Summit’ concluded recently in Kathmandu. As the name suggests, a think tank is a tank full of thoughts. But it also means intellectuals. Simply speaking, an . . . Read more »

Success Upon Success

Success Upon Success

The ministers have been working really hard for the country and its people but the people seemingly haven’t got the message. They keep complaining against the government and criticising it perhaps . . . Read more »

The Ministers are on the Job

The Ministers are on the Job

July 2018   
The environment minister is busy inspecting the exhaust pipes of vehicles for excessive smoke emission. The home minister is arresting contractors and holding them in prison. The supplies minister is . . . Read more »

Four Types of Capitalism in Nepal

Four Types of Capitalism in Nepal

June 2018   
Capitalism or in other words, market economy. A system where capital goods are owned by individuals or private companies. A system where the production of goods and services is based on the needs of . . . Read more »

A Visit Worthy of Accolades

A Visit Worthy of Accolades

May 2018   
This time, too, Prime Minister Oli first went to India, not China. Oli couldn't help heading south once he stepped out of Baluwatar the weather seemed as still cold on the north. It's almost certain . . . Read more »

Where's the 'grey paper', Mr Finance Minister?

Where's the 'grey paper', Mr Finance Minister?

April 2018   
The economy was expected to rise after the formation of the new government. But sadly, that's not going to happen. The previous government had said the economic growth rate would be seven percent . . . Read more »

The Taste of Federalism

The Taste of Federalism

March 2018   
The rituals to bring federalism in Nepal are over now. Now, the power to govern has reached the villages in the country where various types of governments have been formed. Earlier, there was only . . . Read more »

Changing Nepal

Changing Nepal

Nepal has changed unbelievably. Those who would think a thousand times before passing even the most casual remark against the courts in the past are openly pointing fingers at the Chief Justice . . . Read more »

Post-Poll Development Dreams

Post-Poll Development Dreams

No matter how, the elections have concluded. Now, it’s almost certain that Nepal's development will take a leap forward. If you don't believe it, take a look at the parties' election manifestoes. . . . Read more »

Laws of The Land

Laws of The Land

There are many who complain that there is nothing in Nepal and that the government here does nothing. But these people don't know that the government has formulated so many laws in Nepal that it . . . Read more »

Time to Protect the Big Bears

Time to Protect the Big Bears

The country has no jobs. Without jobs, there’s no fame or wealth. And when there’s no money to be made, naturally there’s no food. To make some money and to make sure that their families back . . . Read more »

Leave Corruption Alone

Leave Corruption Alone

Recently, a South Korean court sentenced the vice-chairman of Samsung Electronics to five years in prison, pronouncing him guilty of bribery, embezzlement and perjury. Former South Korean President . . . Read more »

A Country For Sale

A Country For Sale

There is a country in this world which has been on sale for the past few years. As there is not a single buyer who can buy this country in one go, the country is being cut into pieces and sold in . . . Read more »

Nepal in the Throes of Indian GST

Nepal in the Throes of Indian GST

After years of exercise, India finally implemented the goods and services tax (GST) from July 1, this year. That too by amending its constitution in the middle of the night! Those who think that the . . . Read more »

Who Says Nepal is not Progressing?

Who Says Nepal is not Progressing?

July 2017   
People say that most politicians, bureaucrats and cops take bribes in Nepal, and the rich sip imported beer while the poor don't have even enough bread to eat. When you ask them why this is you’re . . . Read more »

Elections and Blessings

Elections and Blessings

June 2017   
On a Tuesday before the recently held first phase local elections, the roads were choked with traffic jams everywhere in the valley. After an enquiry, it was revealed that the jams were caused by the . . . Read more »

Well Then, Congratulations!

Well Then, Congratulations!

May 2017   
According to the World Happiness Report 2017, Nepalis' happiness has increased, compared to last year. The report says – Nepal has jumped from last year's 107th place to 99th place this year on the . . . Read more »

Democracy Getting Stronger

Democracy Getting Stronger

April 2017   
There are some telltale signs that democracy in Nepal is getting stronger. Just a few weeks ago, for example, two political outfits showed their democratic behaviour near Saptari's Rajbiraj, and the . . . Read more »

Top-Down Democracy

Top-Down Democracy

March 2017   
Some people have started trying to stir up a storm in a teacup, claiming that Nepal's democracy is in danger. Sounds quite alarming. But don't worry! Nepal's democracy is not in danger- it's just . . . Read more »

While You Rule the Roost…

While You Rule the Roost…

When the issue of who should be appointed the new chairman of the Insurance Board (IB) cropped up in a Cabinet meeting a few weeks ago, the Finance Minister took out a name-list from one of the . . . Read more »

The Rudderless Boat of Federalism

The Rudderless Boat of Federalism

Flames of the federalism debate are once again flaming high, reaching as far as Kailali in the far west, passing through Birgunj, Butwal and Surkhet. What began in Gaur and ended in Tikapur comes . . . Read more »

Needed: Trump or Modi

Needed: Trump or Modi

It’s strange but true. The victory of Donald Trump in the recently-held US elections raised a big ruckus in Nepal. This could be perhaps because we Nepalis are more concerned about what happens in . . . Read more »

Development from Destruction

Development from Destruction

The government had back in May declared that Nepal will achieve an economic growth rate of 6.5 per cent this year. Everyone said it was not possible. It would be great if the growth rate which was . . . Read more »

The Mystery of Missing Files

The Mystery of Missing Files

Instead of losing a file or two, let’s lose all the files that exist in the country. Let’s forget all the old files. We will get nowhere by clinging to the past. This should be why even Gangamaya . . . Read more »

Who says Nepalis are Poor?

Who says Nepalis are Poor?

Everybody says that Nepal is a poor country and Nepalis are poor people. Social scientists and development experts cite various data and statistics to prove that. The stories of Nepalis’ poverty . . . Read more »

Parkinson’s Law and Nepal

Parkinson’s Law and Nepal

Come mid-June and there is suddenly a dramatic upsurge in development activities in Nepal. The government becomes generous with its spending. Then the so-called intellectuals start protesting. Yes, . . . Read more »

‘…Baburam’s Butterfly’

‘…Baburam’s Butterfly’

July 2016   
After abandoning Pranchandapath, Dr Baburam Bhattarai kept on mentioning a phrase –Naya Shakti (New Force). Those who were wondering as to what this ‘New Force’ was saw him launch a new . . . Read more »

What a Proactive Government!

 What a Proactive Government!

June 2016   
In Nepal, the government is becoming more and more active over the past few years. Needless to say, such proactiveness becomes more intense when there is a government of the leftists. Government . . . Read more »

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

May 2016   
First of all, may you get to drink as much whiskey, vodka and beer as you want throughout this year! Going by the advertisements seen these days in the Nepali newspapers and the bottles of various . . . Read more »

In Favour of Agentocracy

In Favour of Agentocracy

April 2016   
Time is ever changing. And with the changing times, the economic models of countries have also been changing. There was a time when we saw Hitler’s nationalistic capitalism. Then came Stalin’s . . . Read more »

The Secret Behind Rebuilding Dharahara

The Secret Behind Rebuilding Dharahara

March 2016   
Rumour has it that Kathmandu’s name is going to change. The word Kathmandu was originally derived from Kasthamandap, a Hindu style temple in the city that was destroyed by last year’s earthquake. . . . Read more »

The Best in Nepal

The Best in Nepal

Nepal and Nepalis have been bagging “the best” titles, one after another, in recent times. Only a few months ago, Nepal’s name came under the global spotlight for writing “the world’s best . . . Read more »

Blockade Blues

Blockade Blues

Finally, the Nepalis have got something they were longing for over the past seven decades – a constitution written by their representatives. Similarly, they have got republicanism and federalism. . . . Read more »

For a Self-reliant Nepali Economy

For a Self-reliant Nepali Economy

Like every dark cloud has a silver lining, India’s blockade against Nepal, too, has a bright side. It has several benefits. One of the several good things that it has brought about is the grand . . . Read more »

Doing Things Differently

Doing Things Differently

Whatever anyone may say, we Nepalis are unique and different from the rest of the world. We love to do things differently. Currently, we are even agitating to prove just this. We are doing what . . . Read more »

My God,Eight Billion!

My God,Eight Billion!

Nepali banks were doing alright. But the new governor had to start his job with a bang and so he did – a Big Bang. He announced: "Within the next two years, all banks are required to raise their . . . Read more »

Mahat’s Munificence

Mahat’s Munificence

It had to come and so it did, gladdening some and saddening others. Those who got something from it were happy. Those who didn’t were not. The budget for many remained a pie in the sky. . . . Read more »

Thank You, Dear Earthquake!

July 2015   
For many years now, the wild seeds of discontent sown by the Europeans flourished in our country. The risk of communal tension raising its ugly head was increasing. But O Dear Earthquake, Exalted Thou Art that you suddenly eased the communal tensions, bringing all our different communities under the same . . . Read more »

The Fight between Man and Nature

June 2015   
There is an unannounced war being waged by humankind against nature. In fact, the history of human civilization is the history of humans constantly triumphing over nature. But the bad part is that nature is not always tolerant. If she feels that enough is enough, she reacts with vengeance and we have natural calamities. . . . Read more »

Zoo Model of Economy

May 2015   
Despite the efforts of seven decades to catch the bus of development, Nepal has not been able to do so. What may be the reasons? Before 1951, Nepal’s economy stood on a single leg only. As a result, the country’s development would limp on the Chandra Shumsher-path or Tribhuvan-path as and when the Palace so wished. . . . Read more »

Corporate Conspiracy Inc.

April 2015   
Nepali audience has become quite used to, to hear about incessant political conspiracy that has thrived as a very lucrative industry here for last couple of decades now. It in fact undermines the inherent capacity of the corporate world to conspire at least at par to their political peers. . . . Read more »

The Lunatic Identity

March 2015   
A way above from commons, Nepali leaders can in fact represent a classic inter-connectedness between love and madness. To the great amusement of Nepali people, the highest ranked leaders of the country exchange pleasantries claiming that every other leader has lost the balance of his mental frame. . . . Read more »

Government’s Milking Tricks

Nepal Government knows well how to milk the people. Whenever it wants to extract more from them, it raises the price of the commodities like milk. As you may know, the milk pouches in Nepali market are not as easily available as do the liquor bottles. . . . Read more »

Hundred Percent City-dwellers

Nepal indeed has become a developed country with more city- dwellers than village-dwellers. This miraculous transformation, virtually overnight, became possible by Nepal's original mantra of development innovated by the Panchayat regime decades ago. Bikasko mool futaune . . . Read more »

Rule of Dogs

I have no intention of passing any derogatory remark on this faithful, trustworthy, friendly and beautiful animal called dog. With due apology to it, allow me to uncover some of present day Nepal's great eco-political mysteries with the help of this metaphor. . . . Read more »

Fundamental Right to Corruption

It is a common understanding in Nepal that everyone in the country is corrupt. Be that bureaucrat or businessman, politician or physician, lawyer or lawmaker, academician or architect, judge or journalist, or any profession or person you name it, is corrupt on . . . Read more »

Sexy Settings

What is most popular these days in Nepal? You may say, it is betting or netting and dating. You may be right to some extent, but I say the most practiced thing is the setting. Let’s look it into more . . . Read more »

The Developing Development Dilemma

The Developing Development Dilemma

Some might think that nothing has happened in Nepal or that Nepalis have seen no progress. But, the reality is not like that. Nepalis have been continuously treading the path of progress. Like in the . . . Read more »