Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results by Shane Parrish

Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results by Shane Parrish

July 2024   
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Contagious: Why Things Catch On - Jonah Berger

Contagious: Why Things Catch On - Jonah Berger

June 2024   
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Fit to Compete Why Honest Conversations about your Company's Capabilities are the Key to a Winning Strategy - Michael Beer

Fit to Compete Why Honest Conversations about your Company's Capabilities are the Key to a Winning Strategy - Michael Beer

May 2024   
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Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals, Partners and Technologies - Elizabeth J. Altman, David Kiron, Jeff Schwartz, and Robin Jones

Workforce Ecosystems: Reaching Strategic Goals, Partners and Technologies - Elizabeth J. Altman, David Kiron, Jeff Schwartz, and Robin Jones

April 2024   
- Elizabeth J. Altman, David Kiron, Jeff Schwartz, and Robin . . . Read more »

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Kim Scott

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity - Kim Scott

March 2024   
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Inside the Competitor’s Mindset: How to Predict Their Next Move and Position Yourself for Success - John Horn

Inside the Competitor’s Mindset: How to Predict Their Next Move and Position Yourself for Success - John Horn

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Building A StoryBrand - Donald Miller

Building A StoryBrand - Donald Miller

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The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams- Seth Godin

The Song of Significance: A New Manifesto for Teams- Seth Godin

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Communicate in a Crisis - Kate Hartley

Communicate in a Crisis -  Kate Hartley

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The Ten Faces of Innovation - Tom Kelley

The Ten Faces of Innovation - Tom Kelley

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Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

Pitch Anything - Oren Klaff

An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the . . . Read more »

International Migrants’ Remittances - Bhubanesh Pant

International Migrants’ Remittances - Bhubanesh Pant

Impacts, Uses and Policy . . . Read more »

Gap Selling - Keenen

Gap Selling - Keenen

July 2023   
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The Experience Economy : Work is Theatre & Every Business Stage

The Experience Economy : Work is Theatre & Every Business Stage

APRIL 2023   
Time is running out, and attention is becoming scarce. Are you actively engaging with your customers? Apple Stores, Disney, LEGO, and Starbucks are just a few examples. . . . Read more »

All Marketers Tell Stories

All Marketers Tell Stories

MARCH 2023   
Marketing has always been about telling customers a story about a product, brand, or company in order to entice and amuse him/her and ultimately result in a purchase. . . . Read more »

Humanocracy : Creating organisations as amazing as the people inside them

Humanocracy : Creating organisations as amazing as the people inside them

Gary Hamel is a member of the London Business School faculty and a cofounder of the Management Lab, which develops technology and tools to support breakthrough management . . . Read more »

Tribal Leadership : Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organisation

Tribal Leadership : Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organisation

Within organisations, tribes form naturally. Wherever people congregate to live and work, groups of 20 to 150 people form - similar to villages inside nations - and advance through five stages of . . . Read more »

Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion - Dr. Robert Cialdini

Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion - Dr. Robert Cialdini

Influence, the classic book on persuasion, has been translated into 30 languages and has sold over three million copies. It has been included in Fortune's list of the "75 Smartest Business Books" and . . . Read more »

Uncommon Service

Uncommon Service

Even though providing excellent service is essential, you can't just tell your employees to go above and beyond whenever and wherever they can, then hope for the best. Instead, you need to . . . Read more »

24 Assets

24 Assets

To produce maximum value, a firm requires an ecosystem of assets that collectively perform at an exceptional level. This is also what protects your company. . . . Read more »

Leading Change - John Kotter

Leading Change - John Kotter

John Kotter is the most referenced author in the world when it comes to change management. Kotter lays out eight steps for cultural change in this . . . Read more »

CEO Excellence : The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest

CEO Excellence : The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest

JUNE 2022   
Trust in CEOs to help any organisation navigate pandemics, disrupted supply chains, labor shortages, geopolitical instability, and climate events has . . . Read more »

Converted: The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers’ Hearts

Converted: The Data-Driven Way to Win Customers’ Hearts

MAY 2022   
Companies are constantly on the lookout for data-driven strategies to communicate with their consumers. In his book, Neil Hoyne, Google's Chief Measurement Strategist, demonstrates practical . . . Read more »