Ace Institute of Management has won Best Business School Rating-Ranking Award-2017. The college was named the best among the business colleges from across the country amid an award ceremony organised . . . Read more »
Hopefully, this award should encourage the institutions to do better but simply encouraging is not enough. B-schools of Nepal are still far from the standard that we need to achieve. Nobody is investing on this aspect. . . . Read more »
This is an event to honor the business schools that have been producing efficient future managers for our country. Nepal has immense resources, fertile lands, hardworking people and satisfactory level of financial capital. The only thing lacking is efficient management. . . . Read more »
This kind of event helps us to get updated with what is happening in Nepali colleges and how the management education is being looked upon by the business community. There are a lot to learn from the awarding process. I thank the organiser for coming up with such an innovative . . . Read more »
The award programme has helped to disseminate information about the educational institutions that have been providing management education in Nepal. The event has enabled us to know about the students that the institutions have been . . . Read more »
It was really difficult for us to select the best colleges. All participating colleges have different identities, are focused on different areas and have different priorities. So, selecting the best among them was a very tough job. . . . Read more »