January 29: The Greenlife Hydropower Limited (GRHPL) will be issuing initial public offerings (IPOs) worth Rs 180 million next week. As the company said in a statement that 1.8 million units of ordinary shares will be issued for public from February 5 to 19. The deadline will be extended till March 19 if the issued number of shares remains unsold in this period, reported Rastriya Samachar Samiti (RSS).
The project is based in Dolakha and 20 units are fixed as a minimum quantity to apply while the maximum quantity is 9,000 units. The company is developing the 40-megawatt Khanikhola Hydropower Project. The project is expected to start power generation in two months. According to evaluation of the CARE Ratings Nepal, the company's status is average and it has given Grade 4 to the company.