September 16: Online shopping platform Daraz has announced Dashain Dhamaka campaign. Daraz announced this campaign within a few days of organizing its first mega event 'Daraj Mahotsav'. The company informed that the campaign started from Wednesday. The company claims that the campaign will be bigger than last year.
The campaign features mega deal up to 70 percent, free shopping and discount up to Rs 2500. Similarly, the company said that customers have a chance to win mega vouchers worth up to Rs 10,000 and an NIU NQI electric scooter as a bumper gift.
Customers will get 15 percent or Rs 2000 discount when they buy goods through Daraz and pay through debit card. Similarly, the company says customers will get a discount of 20 percent, up to Rs 2,500 when paying through a credit card.
Customers of Nabil Bank, NIC Asia Bank, Sanima Bank, NMB Bank, Everest Bank, Nepal SBI Bank, Nepal Bank, NCC Bank, Sangrila Development Bank and Jyoti Bikas Bank will get discount while paying through card.