August 28: India's famous home appliance brand Godrej has launched a 'cash surprise' scheme targeting the upcoming festivals of Dashain and Tihar. Under the scheme, customers can get attractive cashback and gifts on the purchase of Godrej home appliances. As per the company, this plan is already being implemented since last Thursday.
According to the scheme, customers can get up to 26 percent discount and attractive gifts on the purchase of every Godrej product. The customers will be given a discount and 6 kg of Surf Excel Matic washing powder on the purchase of front load washing machine.
Also, customers will get an attractive discount and 3 kg of Surf Excel Matic washing powder on the purchase of top load washing machine.
The company informed that an attractive discount can be obtained on the purchase of semi-automatic washing machine and 2 kg of Surf Excel Matic washing powder while discounts will also be given for the purchase of microwave oven.