February 25: Seven new vehicles of Mahindra were unveiled in the three-day exhibition ‘Mahindra Udaya -2019’ held in Bhrikutimandap from February 22 to 24. All the new arrivals of Mahindra including Mahindra XUV 300, Marazoo, two tractors- Jivo 240 and Yuvo 415, Furio 14 and Blazo X 25 Roadmaster, G 75 mini grade tipper and GV 40 HP tractors drew the attention of the visitors at the expo organised jointly by Agni Incorporated, MV Dugad, Mero Swaraj and Mahindra and Mahindra.
According to the Marketing Manager of Agni Group, Sijan Neupane, the exhibition was organised with the motive to showcase wider ranges of Mahindra vehicles under a single roof. More than 30 varaities of two-wheelers, three-wheelers, jeeps, SUVs, TUV, KUV, school buses, electric vehicles, trippers, generators and constructional equipment were showcased in the exhibition.
Besides vehicles, the exhibition also offered food and live music performance.