The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has added 3,118 circuit kilometers of transmission lines to the electricity transmission system of the country in the last nine years. Transmission and distribution lines and substations are required to deliver the electricity produced from the power plants to the customers' homes. For this purpose, the NEA is constructing transmission lines and substations through the Directorate of Transmission and Project Management.
Nine years ago i.e. in the fiscal year 2071/72, the capacity of substations was only 2,132 MVA, but in the year 2079/80 it reached 8,867 MVA. In the year 2071/72, electricity was being transmitted only from 66 and 132 KV transmission lines but now it is done through 66, 132, 220 and 400 KV lines. In the year 2071/72, there were 2,624 circuit kilometers of transmission lines. By FY 2079/80, the country has 5,742 circuit kilometers of transmission lines with the addition of 3,118 circuit kilometers of new lines.
Currently, the length of 66 and 132 kV transmission lines in the system is 514 and 3,979 circuit kilometers respectively. Similarly, the length of 220 and 400 KV transmission lines is 1,101 and 148 circuit kilometers respectively. Last year, 413 circuit kilometers of transmission lines were added to the system.
Kulman Ghising, the executive director of the NEA, has admitted that there are problems in the construction of transmission line projects, mainly due to the obstacles created by the locals. In addition to this, there are also problems in land acquisition and use of forest area and tree cutting, and the NEA is working to solve these problems, added Ghising.
According to the NEA, currently 2,852 circuit kilometers of transmission lines of various capacities are under construction. A maximum of 1,111 circuit kilometers of 132 KV transmission lines are under construction.