March 7: Nerude Laghubittha Bittiya Sanstha Limited and Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha are set to commence joint operations from Falgun 30. These two laghubitta bittiya companies have completed the merger process and are set to kick off the unified operations.
The two companies had received final approval for unified operations from the Nepal Rastra Bank on the 21st of Falgun and from the Company Registrar's Office on the 22nd of Falgun.
After the merger, the merged entity will be operated under the name of Nerude Mirmire Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha. The central office of the company will be located in Banepa, Kavrepalanchwok.
Operations of both companies will be halted to manage technical issues on Falgun 29, a day prior to the beginning of the unified operation.