March 19: Chief Executive Officer Suyog Shrestha of Shangrila Development Bank has been unanimously elected as the Chairman of Development Bankers Association Nepal. DBAN’s 17th Annual General Meeting held in Chitwan unanimously appointed Suyog Shrestha as the Chairman of the association on March 17.
Likewise, Mahalaxmi BikasBank’s Chief Executive Officer Bodhraj Devkota has been appointed Vice-chair of the DBAN. Sindhu Bikas Bank’s CEO Ram Kumar Giri, and Lumbini Bikas Bank’s CEO Naresh Singh Bohora have been elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Other members of the DBAN include Shine Resunga Development Bank’s CEO Prakash Poudel, Jyoti Bikash Bank’s CEO Shree Chandra Bhatt and Excel Development Bank’s CEO Dr Indra Kattel.
Newly-elected DBAN Chairman Shrestha pledged to work for the rights and welfare of the development banks. “Though the number of development banks has fallen from 90 to 17, development banks’ market occupancy has not dropped. We will have to work together to do more and better in the days to come,” Shrestha added.